Locks Not so Luscious?: 8 Effective Remedies for Dry Hair
In 2021, the market for hair products grew 55% since 2020, showing people’s love for their hair. But, what happens when products aren’t fixing the problem or making it worse?
If you are experiencing dry hair then there are some strategies to combat a frizzy or dull do.
Start with these eight remedies for dry hair below Sasha Monik
What causes Dry Hair?
Before finding a remedy for dry hair, you should first know what causes it. In most cases, dry hair is due to the loss of natural oils on the scalp and hair follicles.
Dryness occurs when too much oil is removed and can’t be naturally replenished. Getting rid of the substance that is removing the oil or adding additional conditioning are two main ways to help dry hair.
Learn more specific remedies in this guide.
1. Shampoo Once or Twice a Week
One of the causes of dry hair is the lack of natural oil. And when you shampoo too often, you could be stripping your scalp of these nourishing oils.
Try shampooing once or twice a week to see if your hair begins to get more smooth and less dry.
Use a shower cap or tie your hair back to keep it dry. As a bonus, you won’t have to dry your hair every day and you save money and time buying less shampoo.
2. Buy Sulfate-Free and Alcohol-Free Shampoo
If you are wondering, “Why is my hair so dry?” you may want to look at the ingredients on your shampoo bottle.
Sulfate is used in soap and shampoo to make it frothy and thus remove dirt and oil. However, many people have allergic reactions to this chemical, making them itchy and dry. Even if you don’t have an allergy to sulfate, it can remove too much natural oil from your hair, which causes common dryness.
Alcohol is an antiseptic that kills bacteria, but it is also extremely drying. Try shampoo that uses natural anti-bacterial ingredients like neem to leave your hair healthy and shiny.
When you choose natural shampoos that don’t use any harmful chemicals then you are lowering your chances of having bad reactions. You will also keep the original components of your scalp intact, making it more balanced.
3. Use Natural Massage Oil
Some treatments for dry hair include adding moisture. For example, you can massage natural oils like coconut, olive, argan, and jojoba into your scalp for deep penetration.
These oils go into your scalp and nourish hair follicles. For the best results, massage the oil into your hair at night for several minutes, making sure you get it into your scalp. Then place a shower cap or a wrap around your head and sleep with the oil in your hair. Rinse out the excess oil the next morning and use a natural shampoo or apple cider vinegar if necessary, so your hair isn’t too greasy.
4. Take Cool Showers
A great way to combat flyaways during the summer is to take colder showers. The heat of a hot shower strips moisture from your scalp and skin. This dries your body out and leaves your pores open throughout the day.
Cold showers also tighten the hair follicles on your scalp, which will help with hair loss.
5. Set Hair Dryers to Low and Cool
Once you are out of the shower, your task to stay cool continues. Set your hair dryer to cool and low, then gradually dry your hair. The heat from the dryer will do what a hot shower does, which removes moisture and puts stress on the hair follicles.
Other options include ditching the hair dryer. Instead, let your hair dry in the sun if it isn’t cold outside. Or, wrap your hair in a towel and let it dry as much as possible before brushing and styling it.
6. Trim Dead Ends
Dead ends make your hair feel and appear heavy which can cause it to look dull with frizzy ends. Get a trim to remove dead ends and to give your hair a lift, making it lighter by removing the strain on your scalp.
This may solve your dryness issue as well because your hair will feel fresh and be easier to manage without using so many hair products that could be drying it out.
7. Take a Multivitamin and Supplements
Other dry hair treatments include working from the inside out and improving your overall health. Your hair is a reflection of what’s going on in your body, so if it is dry then you may have a vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins A and B, as well as zinc, iron, and biotin, are all necessary for healthy hair. So, if your hair is dull, dry, and breaks easily then your body is telling you that you may need one or more of these vitamins.
Taking a multivitamin or a supplement for hair health will slowly solve your dryness problem.
8. Alter Your Diet
One of the best ways to learn how to fix dry hair for the long term is to alter your diet. This is the most natural way to get healthy hair because it is a holistic approach to your health.
Eat foods with healthy oils and fats, especially ones with omega-3 fatty acids like fish to improve hair quality.
Antioxidant-rich foods prevent aging in the hair follicles by reducing oxidative stress.
Find Which Remedies for Dry Hair Work For You
The remedies for dry hair that works best for your hair depend on your body and lifestyle. Therefore, you should try as many as you’d like to find the one that cures your dry hair.
You may also discover that you need to use multiple treatments or simply switch your hair care products.
Be sure to find more wellness-related articles on our site to continue improving your health.